Helen and Jo Anne

If You Know Minerva BC, you know Helen and Jo-Anne.

Together, these incredible women have contributed their time and talent to Minerva BC for more than 20 years. The success and impact of programs such as Women Leading the Way™ is the result of their expertise and professional collaboration. Helen and Jo-Anne – along with Danna Murray and other Minerva BC leaders – created programs that have transformed the lives and careers of hundreds of women.

As contractors, both Helen and Jo-Anne have been involved in a variety of Minerva BC initiatives. Join us as we raise our hands to the legacy of programs carved out by Helen and Jo-Anne, and wish them well with their current and future endeavours as they will both be moving on from Minerva at the end of March. A new in-house staff position has been created that now combines the role of facilitator and coordinator for Women Leading the Way.

Helen Dewar

For the past 14 years, Helen has been an integral force in developing not only Women Leading the Way™ and Leaders in Transition, she was also behind the incredibly successful Minerva Helping Women Work program and several of the impactful programs offered through the Combining Our Strength Initiative. As a career strategist, facilitator, instructional designer and Certified Retirement Coach, Helen will continue to work towards improving leadership performance in both the public and private sectors through her consulting services, Helen Dewar & Associates.

Jo-Anne Lauzer

Jo-Anne has been with Minerva BC for close to eight years. As well as having been the Program Coordinator since the inception for both Women Leading the Way™ and Leaders in Transition programs, Jo-Anne managed Minerva BC’s Education Awards for two years and coordinated the 2013 Changing the Face of Leadership Conference. She will continue to provide program and event coordination, as well as writing and editorial services, to organizations and small businesses while also creating custom cookbooks through her latest venture, Heirloom Publications.

Thank you Helen and Jo-Anne for all you have done to help change the face of leadership in BC.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom