minerva bc women leading the way louise mcmahon

We caught up with Women Leading the Way™ alumna Louise McMahon, who shared some insights about the impact of the program on both her professional and personal life. Louise is the Manager of Public Affairs at Methanex Corporation in Vancouver. Louise described her time at Women Leading the Way™ as ‘transformative’, and an experience which enabled her to hone in on her values and fast-track her leadership journey.

What initially sparked your interest in Women Leading the Way™? 

A colleague recommended Women Leading the Way and when I compared it with other programs it was the unique combination of values-based leadership and a focus on women’s leadership topics that drew me in.

How do you think Women Leading the Way™ has enhanced your leadership qualities?

Though I have a global role and read a lot about leadership, nothing compares to the learning from an immersive program like Women Leading the Way™. I was inspired by the amazing speakers, learned more about myself and for the first time defined my personal values. I discovered that when I felt challenged by something, often it was because someone’s actions or words did not align with my values. Being able to articulate these values helped resolve differences and created connecting experiences both in and outside the workplace.

Can you discuss your leadership project and its benefits/ impact on you?

I was inspired by a quote from Michelle Obama which was along the lines of: to be a good parent, school board member or whatever leadership role we hold in life, we have to know ourselves, invest in ourselves and feel good and confident about ourselves. This resonated with me because, like many busy working mums, I spent very little time investing in myself. My leadership project was essentially “project me” and I used the time for deeper self-reflection. Presenting my personal leadership goals to a panel brought a sense of accountability which was a great motivator to advance my goals.

What kind of impact did your experience at Women Leading the Way™ have on your life?

The experience was transformative. It didn’t just affect my work life, it influenced my whole life – my relationships with family, friends, everything. One of the most beautiful and unexpected gifts was the network of other women participants. I grew up with brothers but now I’m part of a sisterhood of amazing women leaders who continue to encourage and support each other well after the program has ended.

Complete this sentence: Women Leading the Way has changed my…

It’s not an overstatement to say it changed my future. Ten years from now when I look back, it will have been a catalyst that enabled me to take the next step in my leadership journey.

To learn more about Women Leading the Way™, click here

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she leads with wisdom