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Over the years, Minerva BC has had the absolute privilege of working with some our province’s most inspiring and impactful values-based leaders. Some have been at the pinnacle of their careers while many others are just beginning or part way through their leadership journey. We would like to introduce you to some of these leaders from the Minerva BC community, as we believe there’s much to learn from one another.

Below, Tanya Wilson, Regional Banquet Manager at Denny’s Restaurants and an alumna of Women Leading the Way™, shares her advice for young women at the start of their career and the importance of understanding your values.

What is one thing you learned from the program(s) that influences your work today?

Defining my own values. As leaders we spend so much time looking outwards that we tend to put ourselves last, especially as women. It was challenging to stop and ask yourself “what’s important to me?” and define my values. But once that was done it helped to define who I am now. I’ve also run through the exercise with my 6 banquet managers, and it’s helped us to better relate to one another.

What are your top values and how do they influence your leadership style?

Family, Accountability and Commitment. Family is also one of our Denny’s values because of how our company works together to achieve a common goal, while also allowing for individual success. I exercise Accountability to our clients, our finance department, and also help colleagues stay accountable to their own work. As for Commitment, I try to always practice what I preach and follow through.

What advice would you share with young women at the start of their career? 

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. You might not know exactly what you’re doing at the beginning of their career, but a lot of people don’t. A lot of it is trial and error and asking for help and mentorship. It’s also about putting in the time to educate yourself.

How do you practice self-care? 

My new year’s resolution is to do more yoga and just taking a little bit of time each day to reflect on things and exercise gratitude. I do try to pamper myself when I have the time, but I think just being grateful for what I have – personally as well as professionally – puts things into perspective.

How has participating in Women Leading the Way™ changed you as a leader? 

I think it was great to be able to meet and connect with all the different women in our cohort and just seeing how they approach business differently. I’ve picked up on different ways to communicate.

How do you define success?

I feel successful when my team is successful and when I’ve had a bit of input to them doing better. I feel successful when I build strong professional relationships with other people.

If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be and why?

I’ve always admired Oprah Winfrey. She’s a woman that’s had every reason to not be successful in her life. I look at the things she’s overcome both personally and professionally, and I would love to have coffee with her and pick her brain.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom