Fall Programs 2021 Instagram and LI Posts

As we set our feet firmly into the new year, we interviewed youth leaders from our Learning to Lead™ program to highlight the great leadership work being done by youth in our community. Anureet Mann was actively involved in planning and leading the Learning to Lead™ programs in 2021, including our newly introduced STEM program.  Since completing the program herself, she has applied the learnings to various facets of her life, including to her position as the Co-Chair of Minerva’s Youth Advisory Council.

We caught up with Anureet for the last edition of the New Year New Leaders series. Read on!

Reflecting on the past year:

What are some of the leadership activities you engaged in, in 2021? What was the best part about the experience?

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) helped plan and lead the Learning to Lead™ program virtually. It was amazing talking to young leaders from all over BC. The participants shared their experiences and perspectives on Leadership. Connecting with the participants allowed me to reflect on my own experiences and develop my perspective on leadership.

In the present

What does being a leader mean to you?

A leader must be willing to listen and learn from others around them. Everyone around us has something to offer. A leader takes lessons from conversations, interactions, or experiences around them. Being a leader also means sharing your knowledge and experience to help others move forward and succeed.

Do you have any advice for other girls who want to develop their own leadership, but don’t know how or where to start?

Leadership starts with actions. No action is too little or big for it be considered leadership. Start by identifying your own definition of leadership. Then identify your strengths and weakness based on your definition of leadership. List ways in which you may work on your weakness and ways in which you may apply your strengths. Apply your definition of leadership in any context which interests you. Leadership could be standing up for a fellow student, starting an initiative in your school, giving back to the community, or any other action which interests you. Remember that leaders come in all different forms. There is no criteria for an individual to be considered a leader. Believe in yourself, listen to others, take action, and keep learning!

Looking forward to this new year: 

Is there a word, or a quote, that’s guiding you this year?

Leadership is action, not a position – Donald McGannon

Minerva’s role

What motivated you to get involved in the Youth Leadership Council (YAC)?

My experience as a participant in the Learning to Lead™ program in 2017 motivated me to get involved in the Youth Advisory Council. My time as participant allowed me to engage in meaningful conversations which left a long lasting impact on me. These conversations about values and confidence helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. The opportunity to get involved in YAC allows me to build on that experience from my time as a participant. Furthermore, it allows me to engage with and learn from other young leaders in the YAC.

What’s the best part of being in the YAC?

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) consists of inspiring and confident members. The best part of being in YAC is listening to other leaders introduce and present their ideas based off their unique experiences. The YAC is a safe space where we all interact and share our leadership without the fear of judgements. YAC has allowed us to create a network where we can connect and share our experience to help each other succeed.

To continue to promote youth leadership and provide growth opportunities, Minerva has launched the Making Space for Youth Leadership program – a 10-month intergenerational learning program that brings together young women, transgender and non-binary youth, with business leaders from across BC.

Learn more about this program where youth and established leaders will engage in reciprocal mentorship, have fun, and co-create a “learning exchange” in their community.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom