happy women youth

This mini blog series, entitled “Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self”, is separated into three instalments: Advice I Would Give to My Grade 11 Self, Advice I Would Give to My Grade 12 Self, and Advice I Would Give to My Younger Postsecondary Self. These instalments are a compilation of Minerva’s Learning to Lead (L2L) Alumnae’s best advice for high schools students and postsecondary youth, organized by the Minerva BC’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

This instalment details our best tips for our Grade 12 selves. We hope you learn as much as we have!

1. “Reach out to people! Reach out to your teachers early for reference letters. Reach out to your friends early to help you edit your applications. Reach out to school alumni who attend your postsecondary of interest to get an insiders look on life in that institution.”
Jasmine Manango, Undergraduate Student at the University of British Columbia and L2L 2019 Alumna

2. “Be as persistent as you can; only you know what is best for you and you cannot rely on others to do those things for you. You get a surprising amount just by sending some emails. Also, setting boundaries doesn’t make you a bad person.”
Adrienne Roy, Undergraduate Student at McGill University and L2L 2020 Alumna

3. “It’s okay to not have things figured out 100%; you don’t need to have your future planned out to the very last detail. Remember to enjoy your last year of high school— stay on top of your homework and any university applications you may have, but take time to have fun! Also remember to take breaks and just breathe. Things will turn out okay. You will be okay.”
Orianna Lui, Undergraduate Student at the University of Western Ontario and L2L 2020 Alumna

4. “Believe in yourself!”
Jennifer Zhang, Undergraduate Student at the University of Toronto St. George and L2L 2020 Alumna

5. “Focus on yourself! It can be easy to compare yourself to what your peers are doing or achieving. Remember that everyone has different experiences and skills, so do what you are comfortable with and don’t feel bad about yourself! You are always enough.”
Dania Othman, Undergraduate Student at the University of British Columbia and L2L 2020 Alumna

6. “Make the most of your Grade 12 year! Spend lots of time immersing yourself in the things that make you happy whether that be clubs, interacting with staff, or spending time with your peers, because your graduation year will be over before you know it”
Monika Jandu, Undergraduate Student at the University of British Columbia and L2L 2017 Alumna

7. “Adopt a YES mentality, the sky is the limit with possibilities right now and for your future. There is no set path or course you are ‘supposed’ to take. Figure out what makes you happy, and DO IT. It’s worse to regret not trying than trying and failing. Those failures will teach you so much, and help shape your path. Take every opportunity, you are good enough for those leadership positions, you are qualified to apply for your dream schools and scholarships.
Eva Kamimura, Undergraduate Student at the University of Western Ontario and L2L 2020 Alumna

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom