Blog 3

This mini blog series, entitled “Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self”, is separated into three instalments: Advice I Would Give to My Grade 11 Self, Advice I Would Give to My Grade 12 Self, and Advice I Would Give to My Younger Postsecondary Self. These instalments are a compilation of Minerva’s Learning to Lead (L2L) Alumnae’s best advice for high schools students and postsecondary youth, organized by the Minerva BC’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

This instalment details our best tips for our younger postsecondary selves. We hope you learn as much as we have!

  1. “Its okay to transfer. Its okay to change your program. Its okay if you’re struggling. You’re not dumb. You’re not incompetent. You deserve to be where you are even if you decide to go in a different direction.”
    Jasmine Manango, Undergraduate Student at the University of British Columbia and L2L 2019 Alumna
  2. “Find little things that bring you contentment. Voice your needs.”
    Adrienne Roy, Undergraduate Student at McGill University and L2L 2020 Alumna
  3. “Moving away from everything you know is going to be new and maybe a little scary, but you are going to do just fine! Make sure you take care of yourself and spend time with people you love, even if it’s just a video call—stay connected!”
    Orianna Lui, Undergraduate Student at the University of Western Ontario and L2L 2020 Alumna
  4. “Stay true to your values and be kind to yourself! With post secondary comes a steep learning curve- at first things may feel overwhelming but with time, you will get the hang of things! Continue to study and get involved with the things that you passionate about and don’t worry if your passions change along the way, it is all part of your self-discovery journey!”
    Monika Jandu, Undergraduate Student at the University of British Columbia and L2L 2017 Alumna
  5. “SCHEDULE your time, get ahead when you can-you will need it.”
    Eva Kamimura, Undergraduate Student at the University of Western Ontario and L2L 2020 Alumna
  6. “Things are scary but tough it out, remember the reason why you’re there.”
    Rainwater, Grade 12 High School Student and L2L 2021 Virtual Program Alumna
  7. “You got this it will all work out in the end!.”
    Finlay, Grade 12 High School Student, University of Victoria and L2L 2021 Virtual Program Alumna

This blog is last in the “Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self” series. YAC will be back with more in 2022!

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom