learning to lead 0843

These past few weeks have shown us the value of leadership. Specifically, the value of women’s leadership.

In Canada, public health leaders like Dr. Bonnie Henry and Dr. Theresa Tam are guiding us through this crisis with expertise and humility. Across the globe, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern is being praised for providing a masterclass in crisis leadership.

Less visible, but no less valued, are the thousands of women leading on the frontlines of healthcare, education, the non-profit sector and the service industry. Women leaders are managing uncertainty and making decisions about how to adapt and transform while keeping themselves and others healthy.

Like most of you, I am doing my best to navigate this new reality. From researching and building online options for Minerva’s leadership programs, to figuring out how to entertain and educate my kids, to staying connected with friends and family. One minute I feel optimistic and hopeful, the next I feel overwhelmed.

I am so grateful for the connection to you, the Minerva community, and the thousands of girls and women who have been touched by a Minerva program. You are the women who inspire me to keep leading.

To share this inspiration, we are publishing a three-week blog series featuring emerging leaders from our Youth Advisory Committee as well as participants and mentors from our Learning to Lead™ program.

Find out how these young women are navigating the disruption of COVID-19, what’s inspiring them, and how they are putting their leadership into practice at home and in their communities.

If Dr. Henry, Dr. Tam and Jacinda Ardern aren’t enough to convince you that it’s time to double down on women’s leadership, these amazing young people will.

Tina Strehlke, CEO

P.S. Follow us on social media to hear their stories!

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom