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Danna Murray, Program Director, Women Leading the Way™

It is hard to believe that nearly three years have passed since we launched Minerva’s leadership project, Women Leading the Way™ (WLW).

What’s even more amazing is how it all got started. In the spring of 2009 my colleague Helen Dewar and I were invited to attend a focus group for women’s organizations hosted by the Minister of Status of Women Canada.  We mistakenly stumbled into the wrong session and found ourselves with women in manufacturing. The meeting proved fortuitous. We learned about women in manufacturing AND it gave us the opportunity to introduce the Minerva Foundation to the Status of Women.

This chance meeting led to a successful funding application. Through the generous support of Status of Women and other key sponsors, Women Leading the Way™ was born.

WLW became the third step and most advanced level in Minerva’s suite of leadership programs. This in-depth program is geared towards advancing women leaders who have the desire to take a leading role in their spheres of influence. The program offers women the tools and contacts to take the next step in their careers.

And it’s working. Check out these success stories:

May 3rd marks the wrap up of our first three cohorts.  To celebrate, Minerva is hosting the Changing the Face of Leadership Conference. The day’s activities will focus on critical issues and real life applications for today’s leaders through provocative conversations with some of Canada’s leading game changers. The collective wisdom and expertise of our award winning conference presenters will make for a stimulating and inspirational day. Don’t miss it! Tickets for the general public are limited.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom