Nancy Bradshaw and Kris Hunter

When Minerva discovered the need to create two new Director positions, we didn’t have to look too far from home to find the ideal candidates.

Kris Hunter – Director of Programs

Kris is a true Minerva success story. She began her Minerva journey as a participant in the Minerva Helping Women Work™ Career Kick-Start program before she ended up heading the program herself! She continues to manage the Minerva Helping Women Work™ programs alongside her new role. Kris began her career in the area of Parks and Recreation. She was a lifeguard, competitive swimmer and instructor, which eventually led her to managing aquatic and fitness centres and accomplishing two degrees – one in Physical Education and Recreation Management, and another in Rehabilitation.

In time, Kris uncovered a sincere interest and talent for leading and supporting people and their organizations through process design and implementation. Kris went on to complete a third degree – a Bachelor of Commerce with a focus on Human Resources. Kris has also worked as an independent contractor on and off for the past 25 years and, as such, facilitated workshops, seminars and courses in leadership development, conflict resolution, team building, customer solutions and strategic planning for corporations, private businesses, public services and not-for-profit organizations. Her greatest contributions to individuals and organizations include providing guidance and support to maximize skills, productivity, efficiency and objectives. She thrives in a group of passionate people who have vision and a willingness to do what it takes to achieve that vision. She will certainly bring her vast skills, experience and infectious energy to her latest endeavour as Minerva’s Director of Programs!

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Get to know Kris

Q: You have described this new role as an “ideal” job opportunity. What steps have you taken in life that have helped you achieve this success?
A: I didn’t always know what I wanted to do, but I knew what steps I needed to take to find out. I am a planner and a visionary. I believe in doing work that contributes to a person’s greatest aspirations and their overall well-being. Fortunately, I have found myself at various stages of my life in opportunities where I can choose work that aligns with my personal and professional interests and passions.

Q: After staying at home with your son for two years, you went through the Minerva Helping Women Work™ Career Kick-Start program. As someone who has been both a program participant as well as a Minerva program manager, how will this unique experience contribute to your work?
A: I value the insight I gained as a program participant because I sincerely appreciate the courage and effort it takes to step out of what is comfortable and into something new. This experience allows me to approach my work from an empathetic place – knowing firsthand what kind of support women in our programs are looking for, and how best we can develop our program to meet their needs.

Q: What are the values you lead by?
A: Authenticity, accountability and choice.

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Nancy Bradshaw – Director of Partnership Engagement

Like Kris, Nancy also brings a rich and meaningful background to her new role at Minerva. Nancy has a combination of experience in strategic relationship building, executive business experience, nonprofit experience and leadership development in adults and children. Upon completing her first degree – a Bachelor of Commerce – Nancy entered the high technology industry and, in one of her roles, headed up western Canada business development and education for OmniLogic/PWC to help them become one of the country’s largest SAP implementation companies.

Nancy has a passion for creating a compassionate and healthy world, and this aim led her to developing and being involved with numerous innovative nonprofits and businesses. She was the founder and first president of Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, a founding board member of Vancouver’s Dress for Success, founder of the HOPE Unlimited retail store and principal of Spark Strategies. Nancy was recognized as one of Business in Vancouver’s 40 Under 40 for her leadership role in the social and environmental movement in Canada.

In recent years, while consulting to nonprofits, Nancy pursued another passion – the social and emotional development of children – and furthered her education with a PhD in Psychology. She creates and delivers programs for children that foster a sense of belonging and emotional safety, and works on the strategic approach and implementation with principals and teachers. What a complimentary set of experiences and skills that will surely lend well to her new role at Minerva.

Get to know Nancy

Q: What inspired you to join the Minerva team?
A: I am excited to be part of an organization that helps women and girls be their best self in our world. This area has been a passion for me for many years as I have both taken and taught many programs in the field of human development. I believe the more we are connected to our own purpose, the more positive of an impact we can have on our world. What I have observed in the leadership work I’ve done with students and schools is how important the mother’s emotional health is for their child’s sense of safety and belonging in the world. When our Minerva community helps our most vulnerable mothers we are also helping their families and future generations.

The other thing that attracted me is the wonderful people at Minerva – the many volunteers, founders, participants, donors, staff and board. I am excited to have the role of being involved in appreciating and growing our community.

Q: Your background is full of extraordinary and inspiring accomplishments. From your experience, what is essential to achieving success?
Building trusting, appreciative and supportive relationships stands out as a top success criteria. Our relationships and friendships are one of life’s greatest treasures. I think we all have our own unique strengths to leverage and our own visions of what we want contribute to the world – but how we do it is key. Doing what you say you will do is critical to success. Doing it happily is a big plus. I love it when we are being effective while having some fun, too.

Q: What are the values you lead by?
Goodwill, appreciation, contribution, reflection, openness, inspiration, courage and honesty. I love being around people who are full of goodwill, and courageous enough to stay curious and open during challenging times. There will always be challenges and when we work through those in a respectful way, I find it creates relationships built on solid foundations.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom