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Just over two months ago, Minerva had the great privilege of welcoming Amy Robichaud as our Director of Partnerships and Engagement! Amy travelled across the country (starting from Scarborough to be precise) to accept the position, and brought with her years of fundraising experience and development work, as well as a longtime commitment to women’s issues and gender parity. Amy’s been with the team for only a short while, but fits in so well that she’s already family. Please help us welcome Amy to Minerva – and Vancouver!

Get to know Amy…

What is it about Minerva that inspired you to join the team?

My life’s journey has been inspired by one woman of strength after another after another. I’ve had the unique privilege of meeting many of my heroines and learning directly from them about life, leadership, love, loss, and everything in between. I would sometimes wonder how these women came to be and would imagine a place where women went to become leaders, to learn to inspire and be inspired… you see where I’m going with this?

Minerva’s mission to change the face of leadership inspired me to join the team. I recognize my privilege of meeting my heroines and of finding women to mentor and sponsor me. I recognize that it is a privilege because women in leadership in business, politics, and our communities are still far too few. Joining Minerva meant a chance to be part of changing that and I was in – full steam ahead.

Less than a week into the job you experienced firsthand the Learning to Lead™ weekend! What was that like for you?

Powerful. I see my role at Minerva as two fold; to enable our programing team to do the best possible work and to make sure that our community is meaningfully engaged in the work that we are doing. Being able to jump into Learning to Lead™ meant that I was able to witness firsthand the deep impact of our youth leadership program on the Grade 11 girls who attend it – and also on the staff and volunteers who make it possible. If I hadn’t already been convinced that Minerva changes the lives of the women who go through its programs, experiencing the tears, laughter, workshops, discussion groups, meals, and stories shared during the Learning to Lead™ weekend certainly made up my mind.

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Anyone who searches your name online will quickly learn that CBC crowned you Canada’s Next Great Prime Minister! What was that experience like, and how has it shaped your career goals – if at all?

That experience taught me that hard work is very important and that titles, while impressive sounding, are less so.

It did shape my career goals in that ultimately it led me into my career in non-profit fundraising and development. I also had the opportunity to meet and be mentored by former prime ministers and that kindled my passions for civic engagement, political literacy and public debating.

What are you looking forward to in your work with Minerva?

Helping my colleagues to build the programs that they dream of for the women they meet. Minerva does phenomenal work and I’ve joined such a strong, compassionate and driven team. Just being able to be a part of what we are doing, of helping to carry this baton – is  a privilege. I have specific goals of course – funds to raise, people to reach – but that is just a part of what this is all about for me. The bigger picture is what we do, and who we do it with.

What are the top three values you lead by?

Honesty, humility, drive. 

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom