Rowena Veylan

Rowena brings years of fundraising experience to Minerva BC as our Director of Partnerships & Engagement. Over the coming months, Rowena will be connecting with our many community partners to devise new ways for donors to support more women and girls in their leadership journeys. Get to learn more about Rowena below:

What is it about Minerva that inspired you to join the team?
Being of Indigenous descent and having a young daughter, I feel as though Minerva’s work speaks to me on a very deep level. As a fundraiser I have worked for many different organizations, but my connection to Minerva’s values seem more personal and pertinent than ever before. I wholeheartedly support the work that Minerva is doing and am proud to be involved.
What are you looking forward to in your work with Minerva?
I love to learn! Being a part of Team Minerva allows me to learn more about many issues that are important to me, and to further explore my own leadership journey. I also look forward to building on their strong fundraising foundation to further grow revenue.  
What are the top three values you lead by?
Empathy, authenticity and happiness.
If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be and why?
I would love to have coffee with my Baba who passed away when I was eight. I only have a few memories of her, but my favourite is her singing me Ukrainian lullabies when she put me to bed. I would ask her about her life and more than anything I would spend time with her learning to make all perogies and other delicious treats. I hope to make her proud!

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom