Kathryn Main Slider

I’ve had the privilege of belonging to the Minerva community for almost 10 years, participating as an Emerging Leader in the 2003 Learning to Lead™ program and joining my first Learning to Lead™ organizing committee as a volunteer later that year.

While the Minerva Foundation has grown and developed immensely during these last 10 years, there is one thing that has remained unchanged… the quality of the people involved in this organization.

I have been consistently amazed and impressed by the high caliber of people we attract – intelligent, competent, dedicated and generous men and women.

It is due to our dedicated staff, volunteers and board members that we have been able to grow and expand, take measured risks and generate exceptional results.  They work hard to create opportunities and experiences for women they don’t know and might never meet.  Our donors and sponsors are to thank for believing in our vision and wanting to see the same changes in leadership that we are striving for.  And of course, our program participants and award recipients are consistently exceptional individuals, some more aware of their greatness than others, yet all growing closer to their full potential.

The people are what matters most at Minerva.  Whether you are a volunteer, staff member or participant – you define us, shape us and push us forward.

I am often asked what keeps me so involved and so committed to Minerva.  That’s an easy one.
Every day, I am surrounded by men and women who share my commitment to personal development and growth. People who believe in the potential of others and want to create a supportive community where women achieve their goals, no matter how bold they may seem.

What’s not to love?

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom