Winnie Leong feature image

Minerva’s annual Women In™ Energy luncheon and awards ceremony is coming up in November and we are excited to partner with Scotiabank – our Presenting Sponsor – who makes this event possible. Winnie Leong, Scotiabank’s Senior Vice President, BC & Yukon Region, shared a little bit of insight into their community involvement, and why, in particular, the advancement of women is important to their culture.

Q: Why is community involvement an important aspect of Scotiabank’s work?
A: At Scotiabank, community involvement is not something we just talk about – it’s an important part of the way we live, work and do business every day – a distinct part of our culture. Our employees are Scotiabank’s strongest ambassadors in their local communities and employee involvement is an essential component of our philanthropic efforts. Every year, Scotiabank employees across the province give generously of their time, skills and money to a wide variety of charities and causes close to their hearts.

Q: Minerva is incredibly grateful for the support it receives from Scotiabank. Why has Scotiabank chosen to partner with Minerva?
A: Scotiabank is committed to supporting the communities where we live and work – and we are proud to do this through our partnership with the Minerva Foundation. The programs and services that the Foundation provides across the province to elevate the visibility, influence and contribution of women – are a perfect fit with our commitment to the advancement of women in the workplace, which is also a key part of our culture.

Q: Why is the advancement of women a key part of Scotiabank’s culture? What advantages does this bring?
A: Making the advancement of women part of our culture means that we can attract the best. Selecting from a strong pool of talent keeps us competitive. So when women are included, we have an entire pool of talent to choose from – not just half – and we see the value that both men and women bring to senior level positions. It is also part of our commitment to being an employer of choice.

Scotiabank has been a long time supporter of Minerva, and is recognized as a leader for their charitable donations and philanthropic activities – contributing on average $50 million annually over the last five years to community causes around the world. We are very grateful to be one of their recipients. To learn more about Scotiabank’s philanthropic work please visit

Please join Minerva and Scotiabank at this year’s Women In™ Energy luncheon on November 26 at the Four Seasons Hotel! 

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom