Women on their Way Tiffany Melius

Over the years, Minerva has had the absolute privilege of working with some our province’s most inspiring and impactful values-based leaders. Some have been at the pinnacle of their careers while many others are just beginning or part way through their leadership journey.  We would like to introduce you to some of these leaders from the Minerva community, as we believe there’s much to learn from one another. 

Tiffany Melius is an alumna of Learning to Lead™ (2014), and Follow a Leader (2014), and is currently the Executive Director of New View Society, as well as the Principal Coach and Founder of Force of Nature Coaching.  On her experience with Minerva, Tiffany says, “I was looking for a bit of direction in my life and career, and a woman at work was involved with Learning to Lead.  She suggested I apply and I thought, ‘Why not?’. Little did I know it would be a life changing experience!”

What is one thing you learned from the program(s) that influences your work today?
Far and away, and clearly and profoundly – clarifying my values was the most impactful thing I took away from the workshop.

What are your top three values and how do they influence your leadership style?
My values are authenticity, integrity, and personal growth.  They define everything about my leadership style – how I relate to people, how I make decisions, and how I navigate conflict.

What advice would you share with young women at the start of their career?
Find your values – they are your guiding principles.  Once you know them, and have faith in them, they will create space for you to be your best self, believe in yourself, and navigate the waters of interpersonal relations with confidence! Also: See every job, volunteer position, and life experience as a learning opportunity that goes towards creating a better, more skilled and knowledgeable version of yourself.  Everything you do, no matter how mundane, is an opportunity for growth.  It’s all about perspective.

How do you practice self-care?
I am a competitive rockclimber so the physical act of climbing, the immersion in nature, and the companionship of my community really ground and centre me.

What book/app/Website or resource would you recommend to other women leaders?
“Sleep: The Myth of 8 Hours, the Power of Naps… and the New Plan to Recharge Your Body and Mind” by Nick Littlehales totally changed my perspective on sleep.

How has participating in Learning to Lead™ changed you as a leader?
In Learning to Lead™ I discovered my confidence to believe in myself, follow my passions, and admit to myself my dreams (so I could follow them).

What is one thing that others might be surprised to learn about you?
I am the current Australian National Bouldering Champion (Editor’s Note: Amazing!!)

What advice do you wish you had known five years earlier?
In Learning to Lead™ I heard a talk by Sadie St. Denis, a young Executive Director.  She was someone with a similar background to me and she made me realise that my dream job didn’t have to be something that would happen when I was 40 or 50, but could happen much earlier – when I was ready as a leader, regardless of age.  Awareness of when you’re ready is the tough part. 😉

How do you define success?
Success is coming out of a situation having learned everything possible about yourself, having tried the very best you could have at that time, and putting those two things together to become a better human being.

What inspires you?
People and transformation.  I love hearing people’s stories, connecting with them, watching them grow.

If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be and why?
I’m lucky that I’ve been able to have coffee with most people I admire, so probably Angelina Jolie. She has undergone many transformations in her time, and has many faces – actor, director, producer, mother, wife, philanthropist, humanitarian… I’d like to know what makes her tick, what motivates her, where her insecurities are, where her self-belief comes from.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom