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This past July marked our 8th annual Learning to Lead™ COS weekend and like in past years, it was a huge success! We had approximately 50 participants from Fort St. John/Chetwynd, Kamloops, Terrace, Prince Rupert and the Lower Mainland who participated in workshops on Values-based Leadership, Insights, Public Speaking, and a conference favourite – the Amazing Race. From these learnings, participants also developed a Call to Action on the leadership role and goals they intend to pursue upon returning to their communities.

“My highlights include the openness in which people shared their thoughts and stories, learning and applying our actions and the values-based leadership, Insights and, surprisingly, the public speaking! I was terrified, but learned a lot and so happy I did it!”

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Participants have since returned to their communities and have started to use some of the valuable and practical information and skills gained at the weekend. We look forward to working with the participants and their communities in the coming years as we work to change the face of leadership in BC.

“I look forward to spending more time with everything I learned so I can fully develop my plan of action. Thank-you for planting the seed and connecting me to a group of inspiring and dynamic women.”

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We’d like to recognize those who have made this weekend possible. We’d like to acknowledge and thank our volunteers, especially Leah Manson – Chair of the 2014 Learning to Lead™ COS program Organizing Committee – along with her entire team. Thank you for the gift of your time, expertise and energy. We could not deliver this program without your leadership.

Our sincere thanks also go out to our sponsors, who have contributed to the success and sustainability of this leadership development program. Again, this program would not be possible without the generosity of our many donors.

  • Teck
  • TD
  • Mandell Pinder
  • The Vancouver Sun
  • YVR
  • Hatch
  • Real Estate Foundation of BC
  • Site C
  • New Gold
  • Insights
  • BC Labour Market Agreement

What’s coming up for Combining Our Strength

Combining Our Strength™ Career and Education Exploration program

This program is designed to help uncover strengths and skills that will lead to personal and professional fulfillment.

Whether seeking meaningful work, returning to school, career advancements or looking for ways to make significant contributions to the community, the Combining Our Strength™ Personal Discovery Series will support you along your journey to move forward with confidence.

The FREE Combining Our Strength™ Career and Education Exploration program is comprised of the following workshops:

  • Visioning & Values
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • MBTI & Communication
  • Mentoring
  • Resume & Cover Letter writing
  • Interview Skills
  • Negotiation
  • First Impressions
  • Managing Change

We are happy to offer this program in the Vancouver area in the Fall of 2014.  If you are interested in participating in this FREE program, please feel free to contact us.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom