Values to Work WEB

The Minerva Foundation hosted its first Changing the Face of Leadership Conference on Friday, May 3 at Vancouver’s Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, where more than 225 men and women from across BC and beyond, gathered to discuss important issues and challenges facing today’s leaders.

With a jam-packed roster of presentations and panel discussions, including two keynotes and the release of preliminary findings from our Face of Leadership study, it’s hard to know where to begin our recap of the day’s events!

In this first installment of our Changing the Face of Leadership blog series we will focus on our Taking Your Values to Work panel discussion. Moderated by Nancy McKinstry, this 60-minute panel discussion featured Fiona MacFarlane, Managing Partner, Western Canada and Chief Inclusiveness Officer with Ernst & Young; Margaret Wheeler, Senior VP, People Potential, lululemon athletica; Colin Hansen, MLA, Vancouver Quilchena and Brenda Leong, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, BC Securities Commission.

Taking Your Values to Work focused on how leaders can bridge the gap between their personal values and the professional landscape without compromising those whom they lead.

Five Takeaways from the Taking Your Values to Work Panel:

  1. Understanding, with clarity, your own values is the foundation of good leadership.
  2. You don’t leave your values at the door when you enter the office. Why wouldn’t you want to live your values at work? It is a lot harder to lead when you leave your values at home.
  3. Leaders: stop and listen to what is being said around you. It’s your responsibility to step back and take in the information, synthesize it and make a decision. Remember that you’re never going to please everybody, and when you are leading from a place of values it is easier to accept that idea.
  4. There is always pressure to meet targets—a good leader will measure those targets against their values.
  5. Adversity forces you to home in on your values, which will guide you through and make you a stronger leader.

Visit our Facebook Page to see photos from our Changing the Face of Leadership Conference and stay tuned for more highlights from our conference.

insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom