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Women Leading the Way™ (WLW) Alumnae Karen Joseph and Chris Little of Reconciliation Canada are moving forward with their campaign aimed at corporate B.C. to boost public awareness of the history of Aboriginal people. Karen Joseph, Executive Director, and Chris Little, Co-Chair, of Reconciliation Canada have successfully received $500,000 in funding from a local credit union to organize a series of events that bring together corporations, non-profits, and governments to increase funding to engage the public in the reconciliation process and to foster resilience in the Aboriginal community.

As part of their leadership development, each WLW participant had to create a hands-on project that applied learned leadership skills to making a difference in their chosen sector. This project was born as Karen and Chris’s Women Leading the Way™ capstone project in early 2012. Vancouver will be the host city for Canada’s National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) events in 2013 and we commend both Karen Joseph and Chris Little of Reconciliation Canada for their contribution to promoting community engagement around these important issues.

Read more about this story in Business in Vancouver

Minerva’s Women Leading the Way™ (WLW) program is based on the Action-Learning Model focused on values-based leadership for advancing leaders. WLW offers a distinctive, hands-on, year-long leadership training program for women who want to have an impact in business, politics and social change.  For more information see: Women Leading the Way™ and Changing the Face of Leadership Conference coming up on May 3, 2013.

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