Minerva delivered the 13th annual Learning to Lead™ BC program to three generations of BC women and girls made up of Grade 11 Student Leaders, Emerging Leaders and Community Leaders. It was a weekend of sharing both laughter and tears, making lifelong connections through storytelling, learning about values-based leadership and taking an invaluable look within.

Participants began their days with early morning yoga classes followed by workshops, storytelling, quilting and addresses from keynote speakers. Throughout the weekend, the amazing Learning to Lead™ BC faciliators led workshops on values, leadership, community and the Insights personality assessment. The program participants walked away with a better understanding of their leadership style, a call to action on how to lead with their values in their professional life as well as personally in their communities, and an incredible network of powerful women to call on for inspiration and advice.

“As a participant of Minerva’s 2014 Learn to Lead , I am inspired. The caliber of women in attendance was exceptional, proving the power of inter-generational connections to be strong. The opportunity to develop my leadership skills while learning from a diverse group of women brought rich, new perspectives into my life. I highly recommend aspiring and accomplished leaders to participate in this program.”
-Stephanie Morsette, Emerging Leader, Learning to LeadTM BC 2014 (Vancouver, BC)

The Learning to Lead™ BC weekend is held at St. John’s College at UBC and attracts leaders from across the province to attend! This year, participants outside the Lower Mainland traveled from: Vernon, Kelowna, Moberly Lake, Dawson Creek, Victoria, Bella Coola, Port Edward, Sidney, Nanaimo, Prince George, Williams Lake, Fort Nelson, Powell River, Kamloops and Fort St. John.









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We wish to thank the Grade 11 Student Leaders, Emerging Leaders and Community Leaders for your authenticity and openness that made this an incredibly meaningful experience for all; our sponsors and in-kind supporters whose generosity makes this program possible; our volunteer committee and facilitators for your dedication, endless hard work, energy and expertise; Lis and Bruce Welch for your commitment to women’s education and the three recipients of the Welch Leadership Challenge Awards – Kelly Jamieson, Rachel Garrett and Chadni Khondoker – for your inspiring words and actions you’ve taken since your Learning to Lead™ BC experience; Anne Bishop and Jayne Tellier for your engaging and valuable Insights workshop; and keynote speakers, Dianne Doyle and Sadie St. Denis, for having the courage to share their personal and professional experiences and to be great examples of what it means to lead by your values. Thank you, Dianne, for showing us that we often will have to make difficult decisions, even when we follow our values. Thank you, Sadie, for reminding us that making a big difference starts by taking one small action.

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insights and inspirations

she leads with wisdom